Tank Sponsorship

The Ucluelet Aquarium is a non profit society. As such, we rely on the generosity of our sponsors to provide educational programs, conservation work, and job training to visitors, and our community.

Did you know that over the summer months, the Ucluelet Aquarium sees over 30,000 visitors? When you sponsor a tank, you help contribute to the upkeep, stocking, regular cleaning, and feeding of that tank. As the season evolves, as do the creatures in our tanks – making every visit a unique one!

Our 2023 Tank Sponsors

Octopus Tank Hugh Skip Daly

Kelp Forest Tank Blackrock Oceanfront Resort

Rose Anemone Pool  West Coast Wild

Microplastics Display Mussel Beach Private Getaway & So Damn Lucky Glamping

Library Judy Gray

Aquarist Kitchen The Tarling Family

Washrooms Mint Cleaning

Little Beach Tank Surf Junction Campground 

Jellyfish Kriesel  Ukee Poke

Sand Dollar & Tube-Dwelling Anemone Tank – Sand Dollar VR Tofino

Leather Star Tank The Sieber-Johansson Family

Animal Sponsorship

Because all animals are cool!

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring one of our animals. At this time we have put our Animal Sponsorship donations on hold, as we are updating our Sponsorship Program. You can still make a regular donation through the donation section at the top of this page. Thank you for your understanding!! 🙂

Are you looking for a gift that supports a good cause? Join our animal sponsorship program and give a gift that also gives to the ocean and the trillions of animals living within it. 

As we are a collect and release model, we are always grateful for what the ocean provides us in any given season. We are never sure of exactly which species will be spending time at the aquarium, but we do know that they all require care and attention, no matter how small, slimy or spiny. Your symbolic sponsorship of an animal contributes to the entire animal care program at the aquarium and we thank you for caring about all creatures!

If an ochre star looses a limb they can regrow that limb and be as good as new! When that new arm appears, it can sometimes be a different colour than the rest of their body, causing scientist to question whether their colouring is genetic or dietary.

Black-Eyed Hermit Crab

The Black-Eyed Hermit Crab is the largest hermit crab on this coast with big black almond shaped eyes. It will occupy a vacant moonsnail shell.

The Green Surf Anemone catches prey such as small fish, crabs and mussels, by stinging and paralyzing them with nematocysts in their tentacles. While these stinging cells can affects small invertebrates and fish, human skin is usually too thick for them to penetrate.

Wolf Eels have been known to mate for life! They live up to 30 years, occupying caves and rock crevices.

Sea Cucumbers breathe through their bums! They can also expel and regrow organs in a couple week! Those are some cool superpowers.

Giant Pacific Octopus

With three hearts and nine brains, these intelligent molluscs can escape from some of the most incredible situations!

Nudibranchs, also known as sea slugs, have evolved over millions of years and no longer have a shell. The Hooded Nudibranch expels a toxin that, to the human nose, smells like watermelon candy!

These colourful tanks can move huge rocks to capture prey. They can grow up to 12″ across and while they look like they have 6 legs, they are a true crab with 8 legs, two of which are just hiding.

The Tiger Rockfish is a territorial homebody. They are predators and will eat small crustaceans and fish. Rather than hunting their prey,  they often wait for currents to bring food to them so they never have to stray far from their rocky homes.

Our Animal Sponsors

Marc, Andrea, Takaya & Finn aka a wonderful ocean-loving family

Charles McNeill

Shauna Arnold

Kimberly Springer

Ginny & Randall Springer

Octopus Events Promotions

Megin Fong

Chris Zamora

Dana Mulder

Alberto Salas Ciudad

The Krauss Family

James Jacobs

Angel Fisher

Diane Karjala

Jack Ruttle